Sunday, 11 October 2015

Beats Adverts By Dr Dre Analysis

Beats Advert Featuring Dr Dre

This is one of the earlier campaigns that the company used to spread the message of beats. Dr Dre uses a quote said by him and makes the reader want to try on the Beats. “People aren’t hearing all the music.” This direct quote shows how he wants people to hear what he hears. He wants people to hear what the producer hears. Dr Dre`s beats have enhanced the bass to give it a more realistic sound.

This is one of the many sporting adverts made by Dr Dre. The star featured in the advert is Serena Williams and she is a world renowned tennis player. This advert is appealing to certain audiences as these types of headphones would be a lot easier to use for a sport star. He has used a dark grey background to bring out the light grey headphones. As these are wireless they would find a larger fan base for their headphones.

This advert is appealing to women as it doesn’t have the same masculine feeling as normal beats do. These are nice Valentine’s Day presents as it many men would want to buy it for girlfriends or wives. The facial impression is also very interesting as it looks like she is having fun. The colour scheme is a mix of different colours. It includes a mixture of high-key and low-key lighting.